[Outreach] Sad strategies: making really bad ideas work for you

Outreach talk for Biology on Tap Presents: Strategies for Survival!

By Cecina Babich Morrow in life history education outreach

January 8, 2020


January 8, 2020


12:00 AM


New York, NY


In general, organisms try to be as fit as possible by living a long time (surviving) and making as many babies as possible (reproducing). Some animals, however, don’t seem to have gotten this message. The animal kingdom is full of these ‘sad animals`, who have life strategies that seem like very bad ideas. I talked about three of these animals, and how their eccentric strategies, while possibly sad by human standards, still allow them to be fit.


Posted on:
January 8, 2020
1 minute read, 78 words
life history education outreach
life history education outreach
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Macroevolution of dimensionless life history metrics in tetrapods
[Outreach] Big vs. Small: Using ratios to compare life history strategies
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