
Adding featured images to posts

Inspiration for this post When I updated my website to the latest version of Hugo Academic a few months ago, I realized that I could add featured images to all of my blog posts. I was very excited about this, but none of my tinkering with the YAML of the RMarkdown could produce an image. After some digging, however, I was able to find how to format my files properly so the Academic theme worked to create the images.

Python in RMarkdown

Using Python in RMarkdown In order to write blog posts using Python code, I wanted to figure out a way to include Python code chunks in RMarkdowns. When you insert a code chunk in RMarkdown, you have the option of specifying the language of that chunk: the default is R, but you can also insert a Bash, SQL, Python, etc. code chunk. When I attempted to insert a Python code chunk and import libraries, however, I kept getting the error:

Adding Google Docs to website

Given that the Academic website theme comes with a place to upload talks, I thought I might as well upload the slides for my Senior Honors presentation. Unfortunately, this was a slightly more difficult task than I anticipated. The default format for slides in Hugo appears to be Markdown slides, which is fine, except when your talk was made in Google Slides. Google Slides to Markdown? My first thought was that there must be some tool to convert a Google slides talk into a Markdown document.

Ordering website components

As I continue setting up this site, one of the major things irking me was the order of content on the website. For example, I wasn’t loving that the first thing you saw when visiting the site was the giant picture of my face. I wanted to be able to put content at the top of the site and move information like my bio and work experience towards the bottom.

Creating this website

Getting started I’ve been contemplating the idea of creating a website for sometime, but my initial (mostly half-hearted) attempts ran into some serious technological glitches. I started out trying to create a GitHub site using Jekyll, since I knew I wanted my website to be hosted via GitHub to keep all of my code in the same place. After about an hour of unsuccessful commits that resulted in a lovely white page with my name on it, I scrapped the whole venture until I heard about the blogdown R package.