
Talk: Delineating parapatric ranges using species distribution models and support vector machines: An example with three-toed sloths (Bradypus)

Despite growing understanding that biotic interactions may impose important constraints on distributional limits, species distribution modeling (SDM) applications typically focus on abiotic variables without explicitly accounting for biotic …

Poster: Improving species range estimates for an arboreal species group with a parapatric distribution

Using support vector machines to mask out biotically unsuitable areas improves species range estimates for *Bradypus*.

Talk: Using SVMs to delineate parapatric ranges: An example with three-toed sloths (Bradypus)

Species distribution modeling (SDM) techniques are a common tool for estimating species ranges. These models typically rely only only on abiotic variables without accounting for biotic interactions, despite the fact that these interactions may impose …

Talk: Using SVMs to model ranges of congeneric sloth species

Species distribution modeling (SDM) techniques are a common tool for estimating species ranges. These models typically rely only only on abiotic variables without accounting for biotic interactions, despite the fact that these interactions may impose …

Distribution modeling of Bradypus

Species distribution modelling of *Bradypus variegatus*, *B. tridactylus*, and *B. torquatus*.